Before you get started you
have to know:
Before repairing anything, you must understand that you are doing it at your own risk. If the device is covered by warranty, take it back to the supplier.
Some repairs are easy while others can be a little harder. You can succeed by being careful and knowledgeable, but remember that there is always a chance that you will damage the device.
Some repairs are outright difficult. They require experience and often professional tools which are expensive. Don’t attempt these if you don’t think you are ready. I have over 15 years of experience with mobile phones and computers and even I sometimes face difficulties while fixing.

You have to know:
Repair at Your Own Risk!
The Internet is a powerful tool.
Nowadays you can find any "how to fix it" information online. Before you attempt to do anything, do some research about your problem.
You can look for information about a similar device with a similar problem. Do not hesitate to ask for help. There is no need to struggle with problems that others have already dealt with.
You have to choose the right place for your work.
You should be sitting comfortably and the place should be well-lit.
There should be enough space to lay all the parts and tools.
Remove any liquids that might spill onto the device.
Keep the device on a soft pad or paper to prevent it from scratches.
Use a small cup to put all the screws and small components you remove.
The Right Tools

Spare Parts
Finding spare parts can sometimes be difficult, even impossible.
How do you choose the right part for a smartphone? If you choose a cheap one, there is a high risk of poor quality. If the spare part is too expensive, the repair won’t be worth it.
• OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) are spare parts produced from or for manufacturers.
Thеsе spare parts are only for authorized services. If your device is under warranty, they will fix it for free. Otherwise, they will charge you heavily. Why? They want you to change your smartphone more often. New contract – new phone, broken screen – new phone… IDC expects total smartphone shipment volumes to reach 1.2 billion units in 2014!

Some Extra Advice
• Work slowly.
• Document some steps of the disassembling process and the places of small parts and screws that are different.
• Try not to force anything.

The Right Tools
You have to choose the right tool for the job.
For disassembling, I always use plastic tools because I don’t want to scratch or break bezels, connectors or other elements. Some devices require special screwdrivers to open.
In a series of articles we will introduce the main tools used for disassembly and repair of small electronic devices.
Finding spare parts can sometimes be difficult, even impossible.

• Non-OEM or aftermarket parts are made by third producers with respect to OEM standard. Simply “not originals” or ”copies”. The general idea is, of course, to make the products cheaper but just as good as the originals (OEM). Often the product isn’t as good as the original and sometimes of terrible quality, but there are also copies that are just as good as the original parts. The problem is in the risk. To check the quality, you have to install the part, but then you can not send it back.
• On the market you can find another kind of spare parts, named OEM by the distributors. Actually, these are refurbished parts. For example, broken glass on iPhone 5 – they separate the original LCD display from the broken glass and set a new one. Good quality at a low price.
Laptops are another story. There are no Noname producers of hard drives, memory modules, processors (there are a few exceptions for small parts such as fan, keyboard, etc.). If you buy an Intel processor, it is manufactured by Intel. You won’t find a hard drive from an unknown producer. The most important thing is to choose correct CPU, memory modules, etc., corresponding to your model and dependant on its limit.